
Thanks to your support, Vialisa can continue its work. Vialisa assists excluded youth in building independent lives by creating employment and training opportunities. Our students are guided by a mentor who helps them take control of their own futures.


With SponsorKliks, you can now make a financial contribution to Vialisa yourself, without it costing you an extra cent!

Visit our page ‘Sponsorkliks’ for more info.

Periodic donation

With a recurring donation, you support the work of Vialisa. By converting your donation into a Periodic Gift, Vialisa can plan ahead more effectively, providing a stronger foundation for projects.

Would you like to support Vialisa by making periodic donations? It’s most advantageous for both you and us if you do so through a written agreement. This allows your donation to be fully tax-deductible.

One-time Donation

Amount € -

Monthly Donation

Total: € -
Privacy Statement

By donating, you consent to Vialisa processing your personal data for the purpose of its donor administration and using it to inform you about its activities and fundraising programs.

Vialisa stores your personal data securely and will not use it for purposes other than those described here. If you wish to withdraw this consent or if you do not wish to receive additional information, you can notify us in writing at any time by sending an email to

** For payments made through the website, 5% of the donation goes to Mollie Foundation, which provides this service for us. You can also make your donation via a bank transfer (IBAN NL95INGB0009552228, payable to Foundation Vialisa) and/or through a periodic donation. Check the requirements for a periodic donation (in Dutch language) vereisten voor een periodieke schenking.



The Tax Authority considers Foundation Vialisa as a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI). Donating money to Foundation Vialisa is not only fiscally advantageous for donors but also for Vialisa itself. Donations under this arrangement are tax deductible for income tax purposes, and Vialisa is exempt from gift tax. This enhances the effectiveness of the donations. MMore information about ANBI can be found on the Tax Authority/ANBI website. Belastingdienst/ANBI.